Labels:animal | bird | car | caracara | carancha | crt screen | earth | person | plaything | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: ORIGINS Crested Caracara (Polyborus plancus PLEISTOCENE Brian Kenney The earliest records of many of today's raptors including the harriers acci ipiter hawks, ospreys and caracaras date back only million years During the Pleistocene and the appearance of grassland habitats came period of great speciation for raptors and other birds It probable, however that the origins many these raptors pre-date the period The unique structure of bones makes them especially fragile Conditions must be just right it the delicate bones are to survive long enough to become fossilized Shown here is the Crested Caracara contents ontions quit bookmark menu LEIS CENF recorde accipiter bitd especiall booes 4inb